30 Prompts For Crafting Empowering Affirmations

A collection of templates for writing empowering affirmations that work for you.

The way we talk to ourselves matters, and affirmations can be a useful tool in the nurturing of a kinder inner monologue. This list of thirty prompts for crafting your own empowering affirmations is designed to inspire you in the upgrading of the way you feel about and talk to yourself.

So, what exactly is an affirmation?

An affirmation is a short phrase or statement that, when repeated often, can alter your thought patterns and assist you in overcoming a negative inner voice.

You can harness this quirk for your own good by consciously teaching your brain new, more positive ways of thinking; affirmations are one of your most powerful tools in encouraging these fresh pathways.

How do affirmations work?

They work by hacking into your brain’s neural pathways. Your brain is inherently lazy. It’s designed to create ‘shortcuts’ in response to your habitual thought patterns and behaviours. When you get stuck in a rut of automatic negative self-talk, it’s your brain continually choosing the easiest route, the path most travelled.

If you’re finding it difficult to manage a period of poor mental health, please consider visiting the resources page for more information on getting the support you deserve.

How do I choose and use an affirmation?

Craft your affirmation(s) to reflect and call to exactly what you wish to manifest, encourage or work towards in your life. A personal affirmation is precisely that - totally personal. It doesn’t have to be shared with anyone else.

Step 1: Be specific

Think of something specific you wish to cultivate more of in life, something you’d like to move towards, encourage or manifest.

Step 2: Craft your affirmation

Use the prompts below for inspiration in forming an affirmation that speaks to the thing you’ve chosen. Keep it memorable and, most of all, empowering and uplifting. It might be that you craft a fresh affirmation at the end of each week to set your intentions for the week ahead, or you may wish to hold on to your affirmations for longer - whatever works for you.

Step 3: Repetition is key

Once you’ve chosen an affirmation, repeat it often! The power is in the repetition. Start each day by writing it in your journal, stick it to the fridge, set it as a daily notification on your phone, repeat it a few times before you fall asleep… whatever works for you. The more you repeat it, the more like you are to begin believing it.

empowering affirmations thirty unique prompts list

30 Prompts For Crafting Empowering Affirmations:

  1. I deserve to feel…

  2. I am worthy of…

  3. I own the right to…

  4. I am in control of…

  5. I hold the keys to…

  6. I have everything I need to…

  7. I am open to…

  8. I choose to…

  9. I have the power to…

  10. I carry the strength to…

  11. I possess the talent to…

  12. I have plenty of time to…

  13. I give myself space to…

  14. I allow myself to…

  15. I am setting an intention to…

  16. I will not allow…

  17. I am not defined by…

  18. I can let go of…

  19. I am not held back by…

  20. I am not bound by…

  21. I release myself from…

  22. I trust that…

  23. I accept that…

  24. I am at peace with…

  25. I am thankful for…

  26. I am able to…

  27. I am ready to…

  28. I am capable of…

  29. I am confident in…

  30. I am daring to…

Further reading:


Flourish & Be was launched in April 2023 by Tom, a UK-based writer and trainee counsellor.


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