10 Bedside Table Upgrades For Better Sleep Hygiene

Turn your bedside table into a shrine dedicated to rest and relaxation with these sleep hygiene tips.

A restful night’s sleep is key to both our physical health and mental wellbeing. Unfortunately, for many of us, it’s not as easy as getting into bed, turning off the lights and just going to sleep.

Distracting thoughts, a sudden feeling of “awakeness”, an inability to get comfortable, poor sleep hygiene… whatever it is that’s delaying the drifting off process, it can be both infuriating and concerning when we go through a period of poor sleep.

And there’s nothing like desperate thoughts of “I must go to sleep now” or “if I fall asleep now I’ll get this many hours of sleep” for prolonging a sleepless night.

While there’s no quick fix, one of the best ways to improve your sleep is to create a relaxing and comfortable sleep environment, aimed at bolstering your sleep hygiene. Read on for a handful of sleep hygiene tips, as well as a checklist for upgrading your bedside table for improved sleep hygiene.

If sleeping problems are a regular issue for you, and a lack of sleep is affecting your quality of life, please consider visiting your GP or otherwise reaching out for help; nothing is more important than your mental and physical health.

What is sleep hygiene?

“Sleep hygiene” is a term used to refer to factors that can be adjusted and habits that can be implemented to improve your quality of sleep. These include (among other things) behaviours carried out during the day, actions performed directly before bedtime, and the quality of the sleep environment.

How can I improve my sleep hygiene?

Good sleep hygiene is about doing what you can to put yourself in the best position to have a restful and relaxing night’s sleep, each and every night.

To improve your sleep hygiene, consider the following:

Your sleep schedule

  • Do you have a consistent sleep schedule?

  • Are you giving yourself the opportunity to have enough sleep?

  • Are you going to bed at a time when you’re actually tired?

Your pre-bed routine

Your Daytime Routine

  • Are you able to make time for exercise at some point during your day?

  • Are you able to limit your caffeine intake in the afternoon?

  • Are you limiting/avoiding napping during the day?

Your Sleep Environment

  • Does your sleep environment feel restful and inviting?

  • Does your bedroom feel like a sanctuary for sleep?

  • Is it free of clutter and distraction?

How can my sleep environment be improved?

The environment in which you sleep, your bedroom, is one of the key factors that can be adjusted when looking to improve your sleep hygiene. 


  1. Dark, quiet and cool;

  2. Well-organised;

  3. Free of clutter and distraction;

  4. Comfortable (consider your mattress, pillows and bedding);

  5. Free of electronics.

10 Bedside Table Upgrades & Ideas for Better Sleep Hygiene (A Checklist):

One specific element of your sleep environment that can be upgraded in the search for better sleep hygiene is your bedside table. A bedside table, beyond being just another piece of furniture, can be set up in such a way that promotes sleep hygiene. It’s a place where you can keep all of the essentials needed for a good night’s sleep, and can be used to keep the bedroom clutter-free.

See below for a checklist of items that you might introduce to your bedside table to improve your sleep environment, boost your sleep hygiene and enhance your quality of sleep.

1. Water

There’s little worse than waking up in the middle of the night and finding yourself thirsty, especially if it was a challenge to fall asleep in the first place. Combat intrusive thirst and save yourself a trip to the kitchen (consequently waking yourself up even further!) by keeping a glass of water on your bedside table. If you prefer your water ice cold, consider investing in reusable, insulating water bottle.

Try This: Chilly’s Water Bottles

2. Diffuser Lamp

Set the scene with the soft, inviting glow of a diffuser lamp. Aside from their comforting light, they can be filled with water and a few drops of a lavender essential oil to create a spa-like atmosphere in no time. Research has suggested that inhaling lavender oil before bed can improve the quality of sleep.

Try This: Muji Aroma Diffuser

3. Skincare

Introducing a skincare routine into your bedtime routine is an ideal way to begin the relaxation process. Try taking a warm bath or shower (performing your usual skincare routine if you have one) before heading into your cool bedroom to apply a final slather of hand cream or swipe of lip balm. A warm bath or shower before bed has been shown to improve sleep quality, and can aid in falling asleep faster. Incorporating skincare into that routine adds an element of self-kindness and can break negative thought patterns.

4. Sleep Mask

If you find yourself being woken prematurely by light streaming into your bedroom, consider investing in a sleep mask. By using a sleep mask, you’ll have more control over when you decide to let the light in - and you can avoid the expense of investing in blackout blinds! There are tons of options on the market; for inspiration, check out The Independent’s list of twelve best eye masks.

5. Journal

Journalling can be an incredibly useful tool when it comes to improving your quality of sleep. If you find yourself kept awake by intrusive thoughts spinning endlessly around your head, a journal might be the ideal place to dump these before your head hits the pillow. Worries, anxieties, remnants from the day’s to-do list… anything that’s preventing your mind from switching off can be captured on paper, hopefully enabling you to let it go until the morning, and allowing your brain to drift into a better night’s sleep.

Further Reading: How To Start A Regular Journalling Practice

6. Reflection Cards

If you’re looking to delve a little deeper during your pre-bedtime journalling, or are struggling to unlock what’s playing on your mind, you might find a use for a pack of self-reflection cards. These can be used as a prompt for self-discovery, offering questions that probe a little further into your mind, encouraging you to think about things in alternative, novel ways.

Try This: Calm Club The Oracle

7. Book

You might be used to scrolling your phone in bed but, if you’re having trouble falling asleep, it might be time to switch off and pick up a book instead. Electronic devices emit a blue light that reduces melatonin levels in the body, the chemical that controls your sleep cycle; when these levels dip, it can be more tricky to drift off. Melatonin levels aside, your phone keeps your brain alert and, even during the night, flashes/buzzes/notifications can interrupt your sleep. Reading in bed on the other hand can distract our brains from anxiety, provide relaxation and, if done regularly, send a signal to the brain that it’s time for sleep.

8. AcupRESSURE Ring

You might notice a trend here towards anxiety relief and stress reduction, and the acupressure ring is no different. You may have seen those spiky, acupressure mats; this is a pocket-sized version for your fingers! Acupressure rings can be used to relieve tension, improve circulation and ease a restless mind. Simply roll up and down each finger for a warming, calming, mini-massage.

Try This: Shakti Acupressure Ring

9. Plant

Not only can plants be used to improve the look and feel of your bedroom, promoting sleep hygiene simply by making your bedroom a more pleasant place to fall asleep in, they can have a direct and positive effect on your mood. Certain plants have been shown to have more specific health benefits such as releasing scents that reduce anxiety levels, purifying the air in your bedroom, or assisting in actually inducing sleep.

10. Sentimental Object(s)

Finally, try decorating your bedside table with items that simply make you happy. A sentimental trinket, a framed photo, a piece of home decor that you love… whatever they may be, choose one or two comforting objects that invite you into your place of slumber. Remember, you can always swap objects around every now and again, so be mindful of not adding too much excess clutter into the space.


Flourish & Be was launched in April 2023 by Tom, a UK-based writer and trainee counsellor.


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